How is my valuation calculated?

We have access to the most up to date prices that cars are currently achieving, plus we have many years experience buying and selling cars so you can be sure of a reliable valuation.

All the information you provide is taken into account and cars are individually priced your car based on this.

Why is my value subject to inspection?

We need to check that your description matches the actual condition of the car. The value given via this website does not constitute a contract. The condition and exact specification needs to be confirmed by our valuers before the hand over can take place. Please take time to accurately describe your car.

Why do you need my email address and phone number?

We require your email address because we send you confirmation of our valuation by email, and we require your phone number in case we have any questions about your car.

What do I need to bring with me?

Proof of Identity

  • Two forms of identification (driving licence, passport, utility bill)
  • If you are not the owner of the vehicle, we require a letter of authorisation to sell from the owner

Vehicle Documents

  • The spare key (if there is one)
  • Any service history you have
  • Any MOT Certificates you have
  • The V5/Logbook
How will I be paid?

We will pay you by BACS bank transfer.

Is there a maximum age or mileage that you do not buy?

Yes, we do not buy cars that are over six years old, or have over 110,000 miles on the speedometer.